For some reason the WSPR4 software stopped working late this afternoon. I decided to restart it but on 472kHz with 5mW ERP instead of with 500mW on 28.1246MHz. As yet, I am being spotted by the 472kHz WSPR stations that have already spotted me before and I am seeing stations I have spotted before. Now I have my shack back I shall leave the 472kHz WSPR running overnight.
UPDATE 1852z: Best DX so far this evening, on 472kHz WSPR RX, is
F1AFJ (607km). I expect this will be exceeded later.
UPDATE 1940z: Best DX on 472kHz WSPR RX this evening so far is now
DH5RAE (995km). My 5mW ERP on MF has reached
PA3ABK/2 (306km) this evening.
UPDATE 1945z: A single TX burst on 472kHz WSPR with just 5mW ERP gets me typically 2 to 4 spots per transmission, which is not too bad I reckon.
UPDATE 2000z: I should really try a bit on 137kHz WSPR from this QTH. This QTH is quiet and I should be able to hear WSPR from the nearer Europeans and there is an outside chance of being copied by a few semi-locals. I really need a longer baseline earth-electrode system though and the 137kHz transverter needs a rebuild and my health is not really up to these tasks.
UPDATE 2100z: LA3EQ (769km) running 2mW ERP has been spotted 3 times so far this evening on 472kHz WSPR.