12 Sept 2014

472kHz overnight

I ran WSPR on 472kHz overnight. It ran until about 0320am when the Win 7 PC decided to do updates and closed the PC. No new reports or reporters overnight, just stations that I had seen before or who had spotted me before. All rather disappointing. I feel that radically improving the antenna (and hence ERP) won't make a huge difference. On RX the system works very well and hears most active stations. To be honest, I am losing interest a bit in MF as there are far too few stations active especially here in  the UK.

11 Sept 2014

Over 1000km on 472kHz WSPR RX

This evening LA4ANA (1042km) running 50mW ERP has been spotted 3 times so far. Not strong, but there. Several DLs also in the log too out to 995km.

UPDATE 2220z:  LA4ANA has been spotted 5 times so far.

10m operation

See https://sites.google.com/site/g3xbmqrp3/hf/10m_op .

The above link (on my main website) is my "take" on 10m operation. Although I have never applied for a DXCC certificate I have worked well over 100 countries on 10m with QRP and small wire antennas. There is no doubt in my mind that this is the best amateur band we have. Low cost CB type all mode rigs means it can be accessed at low cost, even buying new. A small dipole is effective and need not be too high.

472kHz this evening and 10m tomorrow

Yet again, 472kHz is proving a real disappointment. Not long ago I found a list of all the stations that had copied me on 500kHz WSPR with very similar ERP to my present 472kHz ERP. The list was about 5 times longer, showing the level of WSPR activity on 500kHz a few years ago. Although I'll leave 472kHz WSPR running through the night I very much doubt I'll see new reporters by the morning.

Tomorrow, I shall try 10m WSPR instead.

Back on 472kHz WSPR

We arrived back from Cheshire about an hour ago. Having checked the post, I decided to come on 472kHz WSPR. Spots so far from G0LRD (25km) and M0LMH (223km). No totally new reporters yet this evening.

G3WCB (101km) has been spotted well.

My old friend G3WKW (Bob) kindly sent a book through the post about one of my stroke problems. Bob has been so kind. Thank you Bob.

Sunspots and HF

Sunspots count today is 161 (blackouts) with 20-30MHz propagation "poor". Today could be another disturbed day.

Returning home

After 3 nights staying in Goostrey, Cheshire with my brother in law and his wife we return home later. Back to WSPR later today. After the blackouts on HF yesterday propagation looks more promising.

10 Sept 2014

FT991 - late 2014?

According to the Yaesu website this new radio is due to be released later this year.

9 Sept 2014

10m transatlantic again

Although away from home and not able to operate on 10m, I see from WSPRnet that 10m was open from the USA to Germany today.


Count today is a good 158 and 20-30MHz propagation "normal"