10 Jul 2014

Free Microsoft eBooks

Steve G1KQH has again passed on some data, this time about free eBooks from Microsoft.

The collection covers Windows 8.1, Windows 8, Windows 7, Office 2013, Office 365, Office 2010, SharePoint 2013, Dynamics CRM, PowerShell, Exchange Server, Lync 2013, System Center, Azure, Cloud, SQL Server, and much more.

I am just acting as postman here as I have not read any of them.

Again, my thanks to Steve for finding these.  See Eric Lygman's blog which has more details.

10m WSPR

As 6m was looking pretty quiet, I decided to QSY down to 10m at around 1500z. Within a few minutes CX2ABP (11127km) was being spotted (F2 propagation) at -22dB S/N. 10m is in decent shape. So far, CX2ABP has been spotted 5 times in the last hour. Best report is -15dB S/N with his 10W.  He has yet to spot me, as has anyone else on 10m.

6m this morning

A quiet morning so far on 6m with a little GDX but no Es seen yet. M0EMM (192km) has exchanged spots with me around 1118z. Also local G4IKZ (18km). Otherwise quiet.

Conditions 20-30MHz are described as "good" with sunspots 183 with blackouts. Maybe I'll QSY to 10m later unless 6m improves?

9 Jul 2014

6m - Es today

The 2 spots of me by 9H5G (2116km) on 6m WSPR mid-afternoon appear to be the only Es seen on 6m here today. There may have been Es earlier but I was out and did not have the rigs turned on. Since 1544z, I have been copied by local G4IKZ (18km) only.  My best reception was of G4NRG (58km).

Do I stick with 6m WSPR tonight?

University of Liverpool on-line courses

Very many years ago (1967-1970) I was an undergraduate student studying Electronics at the University of Liverpool.  Since those days, the Department has become heavily involved with on-line learning as reported by the Southgate Amateur Radio News page. This course could suit someone needing a grounding in electronics. I think there is some (easy-ish) maths. To do the honours degree course we had to do maths to degree level. I found this very hard.

Proving how small the world is, one of our close friends in the village is the brother of my personal tutor at university. The brother is now a visiting professor at Liverpool. I believe my old tutor still works at the university as an emeritus professor.

A new Massive Open On-line Course (MOOC) covers Analogue/Digital Electronics, AC/DC Circuits, Electromechanics and an introduction to C programming.
Over the last few months here at Liverpool we have been putting together a MOOC (Massive Open On-line Course) which introduces aspects of electrical engineering. The course starts in September, but you can sign up now. It's free and there are no gimmicks.

The link to the MOOC info is here: https://www.futurelearn.com/courses/electrify
Any ideas on how to make this course better are welcome.

Matt O’Rourke
MOOC developer
Liverpool University On-line Electrical Engineering Course

9H5G on 6m WSPR

Most of the day I've been out, with rigs and antennas disconnected. Since getting home again just after 1520z, I've been on 6m WSPR and see I've been spotted by 9H5G (2116km) by Es.  I am amazed this is just a tiny bit further than Morocco from here. Also spotting me is local G4IKZ (18km).

Early morning on 10m WSPR

Overnight, I was on 10m rather than 6m hoping to catch any early morning and overnight activity. FR1GZ (9724km) was spotted very early at 0554z  on Reunion Island in the southern Indian Ocean. My QRP WSPR signal has (so far) been spotted on Es by Scandinavian stations.

Sunspot count today is 209 (good) with blackouts and 20-30MHz propagation "normal". The early morning appearance of FR1GZ proves there is N-S F2 propagation around on 10m. This remains my favourite band. Of course, with high sunspot numbers and stable HF conditions it is a very good band. In the quiet years things get MUCH harder on 10m.

There was also GDX around on 10m with G8JNJ/A (184km) and G6NHU (78km) spotted during the night.

In the last few minutes, IK1WVQ has been spotted.

8 Jul 2014

70cm contest

Having missed VHF NFD at the weekend (I forgot and we had a visitor) I went on the 70cm UK activity contest from home this evening with 5W and the hand-rotated 5 el beam. Conditions were very flat but best DX was 183km. After 10 QSOs I had to stop because of my voice was so poor.
70cm - stations worked with 5W and 5 el

VC1T copied in the UK on 2m

If you can access the ARRL pages see http://www.arrl.org/news/view/brendan-quest-team-s-2-meter-signal-copied-in-the-uk .

G4SWX copied the Canadian group VC1T for 4 hours, but was unable to complete a 2-way QSO. The Canadian's ERP was around 150kW from a beam 100 foot long.  The mode was FSK441 and this was on July 6th 2014. A 2m 2-way terrestrial QSO will happen across the Atlantic sometime, maybe this summer?

My thanks again to Steve G1KQH for this news. 

Ultimate 3 kit build

I thought my hands and eyes were good enough to make a start on this kit, which I have only just unpacked, having had it for months. I was waiting until I was less clumsy. When built, this will make a really useful WSPR beacon.

The packing is wrong as I had asked for a GPS module, which is missing, but there is a surplus relay board in the box.  I was very careful unpacking the kit. and have left in packets those parts not yet needed. Some are anti-static.

Sadly, my eyes and hands are not really good enough: I started on the 10m LPF PCB and, frankly, this was a real struggle both for my eyes and hands. Tomorrow I shall test this with my generator and 50 ohm load.

Two people have very kindly offered their help building the kit. I fear I shall have to admit defeat and ask them to help me. This is a great pity as I was so hoping I'd be fit enough to build this. Sadly, this seems unlikely any time soon.  My stroke is taking its toll on my abilities. WSPR is OK, but I am struggling with building still.  Talking in tonight's contest will be hard.