3 Jun 2023

8m QRP FT8 (Saturday)

 Since early this morning, I have been on 8m FT8.  At 1247z, no spots.

Media fascism

In the UK media for several days a headline has been about an ITV presenter, who happens to be gay. The lives of him and his family have been a total hell. On the BBC news it has been the very first item.  Had it been a heterosexual affair nobody would care.

In my view this is despicable.  He and his family should be left alone.

As far as we know, he had done nothing wrong or newsworthy. Just leave him alone and get off his back.

In my view, this is journalism of the very worst kind: superficial and gratuitous gossip. BBC, get back to real news please!!! 

10m 500mW WSPR TX (Saturday)

Certainly this morning, Es has not been very good. 

UPDATE 1645z: 
10 stations have spotted me today. Not a lot of Es.

Sunspots - Saturday June 3rd 2023

Solar flux is 162 and the SSN 147. A=5 and K=1.

2 Jun 2023

OFCOM publications

A reminder that OFCOM updates the publications it holds on the statistics on licences and similar. 

Our local shop - NOT amateur radio

This is our local co-op shop where we do most of our convenience shopping. It is about 400m away. Most of our food shopping is done in Newmarket about 6km away.

10m 500mW WSPR TX (Friday)

32 stations have spotted me today (at 1705z). 

8m FT8 QRP (Friday)

On 8m QRP FT8 all day.  So far, 2 stations have spotted me and I have spotted one station HC02 (1808km)  and SR4BBX (1217km).

European Es (Friday)

Things look much quieter for European Es this morning. My plan is to go on 8m FT8 and 10m QRP WSPR TX. 

Rally this weekend

The following rally has been notified to me. It is always advisable to check first.

Sunday June 4th - Spalding Radio Rally,  Holbeach, Lincs, PE12 7PR.  Contact Graham on rally2023@sdars.org.uk