Showing posts with label website. Show all posts
Showing posts with label website. Show all posts

23 Aug 2015

My main website

Although I write a couple of blogs most days (one amateur radio related and a more general one), my main website with far more details about the projects and things that interest me is at . It has not been properly revised for some time as my health has not been too good for a while now. As I have said several times on my blogs, I hope to get back to field work as soon as I can.

30 Sept 2014

RSGB president request

Today I was asked if I could provide a photo of my 8.97kHz TX so the RSGB president could use it at a convention in Northern Ireland. I was happy to oblige.

If anyone else needs to use photos from my website at or this blog I am usually happy to say "yes" but it is polite to ask first.

16 Mar 2013

100 subscribers - thank you

Just noticed that the number of people who subscribe to this blog has now reached 100 for the first time.  Many people just drop in from other links, but it is good to see that so many people actually subscribe.  I try to post things that interest me, and I hope interest you too, here.  Please let me know if the blog can be improved in any way.

Things (such as designs) that are of longer term use are added to my main website so check there too if you've not visited it.

4 Feb 2013

Website working again

The main website is now working properly. I contacted my domain providers last night who confirmed they'd updated some systems that screwed up web forwarding. If you spot any more problems, typos or link errors please let me know.

Currently I am drawing out the schematic of my 30W 137kHz TX transverter. This should be on the website tomorrow. Still deciding whether to box it, and add the RX preamp section, or stop at this stage.

3 Feb 2013

Website woes

In the last few days I've done a major overhaul of my main website . All was working fine, but for some reason the web forwarding is not working correctly. Landing on the site you should automatically be forwarded to which is where the site is now located on Google Sites. So far so good, and this happens, although the address bar, which should change to the new site address based on how I've got my forwarding set up does not. Not only that, but clicking any images does NOT bring up larger, clearer images as it should although this works fine when you start with . So, I think it is a problem with the web forwarding, which I will try to fix.

In the meantime, you may want to go directly to if you want to explore the revised site.

31 Jan 2013

Requests to share xbmqrp website

Friends, PLEASE, bookmark my main website correctly. Don't bookmark my pages where they are actually located (Google Sites) as these may change, as they did yesterday when I did a major site update.

So to access my main website go to, and bookmark:

30 Jan 2013

Main G3XBM website facelift

Revised G3XBM main website
This week I have been doing some housekeeping on my main website .  At the moment the content is much the same as before, although some old pages have not been recreated.  Hopefully the new site layout will be easier to navigate using the sidebar menu. Please let me have any feedback or errors that you spot with links or content. Over the coming weeks I hope to add further new content.

If you bookmark the site please bookmark and NOT the page it automatically redirects too. You will no longer be able to reach the old site and I do not propose to grant individual access permission to the archived old site. Already I have had several requests for access to the old pages.