Showing posts with label trump. Show all posts
Showing posts with label trump. Show all posts

28 Aug 2018

President Trump and Google - NOT amateur radio

It must be great to be ruled by a true genius showing sincerity, modesty, integrity and statesmanship.


7 Aug 2018

Bully? - NOT amateur radio

So President Trump is on the warpath again, now allegedly saying anyone doing business with Iran will not do business with the USA. Sadly, he lives on our planet.

Biased  - me? No, just reflecting the views of EVERYONE I have spoken with, honestly EVERYONE, all who think he is an ignorant bigot and a menace. Honestly, I have not met one single person outside the USA who has a good word to say about him. Everyone!! Yes everyone. Most are amazed he was voted in.

Now, I know we are entitled to our own views, and I respect you for holding yours, but I am truly amazed by the level of support in the USA for the current president.


16 Jul 2018

Which planet? - NOT amateur radio

So, the US president has met the Russian leader and, allegedly, blamed the FBI rather than Russia for interfering in the 2016 presidential election. Now, I have no wish to interfere in US politics, but to those of us in the rest of the world his judgement seems "bizarre". This is being charitable.

With BREXIT, one could argue who am I to judge? Just my opinion, but shared by many.

See .

11 Jul 2018

Trump balloon - NOT amateur radio

President Trump is visiting the UK and many here do not want him. Apparently there is a balloon of him in a nappy (diaper blimp flying over London). He has already managed to upset the German chancellor by his remarks.


20 Jun 2018

Total Dick? - NOT amateur radio

It sounds like a few Republicans have stood up for common decency. Young children have no business being the innocent victims in this.

Why am I reminded of Jews in Europe in the 1930s and 40s?

Mr President was elected to "make America great again". Really? At the moment the USA is fast becoming the laughing stock of the rest of the world. His aims may be fine, but to many he comes across as naïve.

Just mad? - NOT amateur radio

The current USA administration puzzles me. Do they really want total isolation from the rest of the world? It would appear so.

Oh, of course, the world was created in 7 days when God breathed. The UN and climate change are not real.

Palestine - is that near Bolivia?

See .

12 Jun 2018

That summit - NOT amateur radio

As readers may have noticed, I am not great fan of US President Trump. However, I think what has happened, so far, in Singapore between him and Kim of North Korea is a step on the road to peace.

North Korea is a strange place, but sworn enemies have to look to the future. The USA and North Korea are very different places and are likely to remain so for quite a while. They need to respect their differences and think of the future.

The meeting could so easily have ended with President Trump storming out. It didn't. I am sure both men want mutual respect and peace.

5 Jun 2018

President Trump's UK visit - NOT amateur radio

Apparently the visit to the UK by the US president is due to happen later this summer. Especially with his tariffs on steel and aluminium he may not get the warmest of welcomes. No doubt some will welcome him, whereas others would prefer it if he stayed at home.

Special relationship??

1 Jun 2018

Trump-Kim summit back on - NOT amateur radio

"Mr Trump said it was "a very interesting letter and at some point it may be appropriate" to share it. He later said he had not yet read it."

This was on the BBC website. I assume it is correct. It looks like the USA - North Korea summit on June 12th in Singapore is back on again.


Which planet? - NOT amateur radio

Does the US president live on a different planet? In the 21st century the world is very interconnected. Oh, by the way, it is round.

It is pretty obvious his major allies will put tariffs on US goods, unless he changes his mind. Free trade? What the USA is doing is attempting pure protectionism.


9 May 2018

Trump and the Iran nuclear deal - NOT amateur radio

OK, I am an outsider looking in, but I find President Trump hard to follow on the international stage.

Exactly what does he expect to achieve? Most in the world think the Iran nuclear deal should carry on.  President Trump does not.

So what will Iran do? Further destabilise the Middle East? No, my personal view is this man is dangerous and is a loose cannon on the world stage. Does he ever listen to advisors?

Why did so many in the USA voted him into office? "America first"? Recreating the America of 1950 is a dream, not a reality. The world is an interconnected place in the 21st century.  King Canute tried to stop the tides and failed. Trump will fail and sooner or later and the good people of the USA will realise this.  Building a wall with Mexico? Stopping steel from China? At the moment the US government and president are the butt of jokes around the planet.

Where are the values that really make America great?


6 May 2018

President Trump - NOT amateur radio

OK, I have tried very hard to remain open minded, but personally I find his latest address to the NRA about blood on the floors of a UK hospital of little value. Yes, we do have a knife crime issue in some parts of some groups in the UK. In my view guns are not the answer to knife crime.

If I understand him correctly, his NRA address is aimed firmly at the powerful gun lobby in the USA.  Most of his tweets come from the hip it seems.  Who does he think he is? A wild west fighter from the 1800s?  No sir, you are meant to be leader of the free world! Instead many in the free world think you are just ignorant and stupid.  Sadly, we have very few truly great potential leaders.  The world is in great need of inspiring leaders.

My recommendation to him?  Please, just shut up. Read your briefs and stop spouting rubbish, especially if you are unclear of real facts on the international stage. If the good people of the USA elected you, that is fine. Internationally is a very different matter. The leader of the free world must be a person who is above reproach and highly respected on the world stage. 

These are my personal views based on what I have seen and heard with my own eyes and ears.   Others are perfectly entitled to have different views. A true democracy would be very weak if we were not entitled to say how we feel freely and openly. I respect the right of people to hold views very different from mine.

27 Apr 2018

President Trump to visit the UK in July - NOT amateur radio

Each to his own, but I find it hard to warm to this man. I expect his visit in July will stir up riots and protests. I hope he is ready for what will greet him. It won't be a quiet visit.

He comes across badly over here in the UK and he has made few friends, although he got a lot of votes in the USA from a populous that expected much. Even Monsieur Macron of France said some pretty harsh words in Congress.


A quote from the BBC website:
Reacting to the announcement of his July visit, Kate Allen, Amnesty International UK's director, said: "When Donald Trump arrives on these shores, we and thousands of our supporters will very definitely be making our voices heard."

23 Mar 2018

Trade war? - NOT amateur radio

Although I understand President Trump's wish to impose heavy tariffs on steel imported at knock-down prices from China, he must know the Chinese will likely retaliate against the USA. A trade war could follow.

As many in the USA could lose jobs as are gained in the steel industry. He is treading a very dangerous path. Those "adding value" in the USA (such as car manufacturers) will have to bear higher costs with steel costing more.

There is no guarantee that the republicans will come out on top in the mid term elections in the USA later in the year. We have to be very careful and realise we live in a very interconnected world these days. The USA does not, and cannot, live in splendid isolation.

We cannot turn clocks back to the 1950s in the USA or the UK. This is 2018 and not 1952.

19 Mar 2018

Trumped? - NOT amateur radio

Someone I know works for Qualcomm in California. Apparently President Trump was worried by a possible takeover by Broadcom of Singapore. They have now withdrawn their offer I understand according to the BBC.

See .

6 Mar 2018

President Trump and trade wars - NOT amateur radio

Whilst I understand President Trump's wish to have the USA not disadvantaged by trading nations, he has gone about things in a very odd way that almost invites others to retaliate. In an interconnected world such barriers to trade are very unlikely to work.

One thinks of King Canute.

22 Feb 2018

Guns for teachers - NOT amateur radio

So the ever modest President has met pupils from Florida who managed to escape the latest mass school shooting. That is good of him.  We seem to hear about these shootings every week in the USA.

His answer? Allegedly, arm the teachers. Why not ask the basic questions about USA gun crimes instead? The USA seems to have more school mass killings by far than anywhere else. Does no-one want to understand why this is? Could it be something to do with the ease of obtaining deadly weapons perhaps? Better checks, yes. Why sell automatic weapons in the first place? Why sell guns?


25 Jan 2018

Trump-May meeting in Davos - NOT amateur radio

So the UK wants a trade deal with the USA after it leaves the EU and Mrs May (UK PM) is to meet President Trump, aka the genius.

Now, neither is exactly my image of a good, charismatic leader. Sadly I cannot think of any, anywhere. Where are the men and women who are truly interested in the common good?  Please may someone really good step forward as the world badly needs you.

My personal views, which others may totally disagree with. In free countries you are entitled to hold vastly differing views. Basically, the lack of real leaders is troublesome.  Trump, Putin, May? - let history judge.

Cynical me? Surely not.

See .

15 Jan 2018

Good news - NOT amateur radio

President Trump has allegedly told the world he is not a racist.  So his alleged remarks about shithole African nations is obviously false news then.  That's good to know. We are so lucky having a genius leading the western world.


12 Jan 2018

President Trump - NOT amateur radio

If recent reports allegedly coming out of the White House are correct, then the USA president is rapidly losing friends around the globe and probably at home.

His latest reported outburst was another swipe at immigrants and their families.

I must remind the good people of the USA (all those I have met were decent, kind, generous and caring folk), and the President, that ALL white Americans were from immigrant stock. The land of freedom and liberty. People want to come to the USA because of its values.

UPDATE 2042z:  I notice that the US $ is rapidly losing value against the UK £.

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