Showing posts with label rspb. Show all posts
Showing posts with label rspb. Show all posts

2 May 2024

Kite (bird) - NOT amateur radio

About 30 years ago seeing a kite here would be unheard of. A few pairs were re-introduced locally and now they seem to be everywhere. They are quite common near roads where they like roadkill. .


29 Jul 2023

Swifts gone? - NOT amateur radio

 In the last few days we were up near Liverpool staying with a friend on the Wirral. Swifts were visible most days, but they were absent on the last day. I have not spotted any here in East Anglia since we got back yesterday. It is possible they have started their migration to Africa. Most soon leave. There are a few stragglers until September.

See .

UPDATE 1655z: I did not realise that some swifts do not migrate from Africa.

UPDATE 0950z Sunday:  Lots seen last evening so they have not gone yet! 

18 May 2023

Kite (bird) seen again

20 years ago seeing a red kite from the kitchen window in East Anglia would have been unheard of. Then they were reintroduced around the country and they are a common sight near busy roads. Yesterday at breakfast we were treated looking out the window - a kite flying over nearby allotment gardens.

28 Jan 2023

Big British Garden Birdwatch 2023 - NOT amateur radio

This is organised by the RSPB every January. The idea is simple. You count the maximum number of each species seen at the same time in your garden, park etc. for any hour over the weekend and submit this. From these returns, the RSPB can learn a great deal about the birds around.

Certainly here, there are fewer smaller birds around. It is not uncommon to see 6-12 different species, but it is unusual to see that many different small birds. There are far more pigeons that in the past.

I do it every year. It is surprising what appears over the hour.

UPDATE 1625z:   Just 6 species seen!  Way down on previous years. Most of these were larger birds. Some very common birds were missing. Overall? January!! Dull and cold.

See .

6 Feb 2021

UK cranes (birds) - NOT amateur radio

At one time, centuries ago, these large birds were quite common in the UK. Then there were none. 

In the last 40 years some were re-introduced and numbers have steadily climbed, especially on wetland reserves. 

31 Jan 2021

RSPB big garden birdwatch - NOT amateur radio

Just finished the RSPB Big Garden Birdwatch.  

You have to record the maximum number of each different species seen in any hour. 

In all, 10 different species seen. Those missing, but often seen, include goldfinch, great tit and thrush.

9 Oct 2020

Revive Our World - NOT amateur radio

Usually, I am not a great fan of organised petitions, but I have just signed one and you may want to follow.  

Some things are certain: 

  • Most countries across the planet are going to go into recession as a result of the Covid-19 pandemic.
  • This is a great opportunity to hit the "reset" button and build a fairer, more sustainable, cleaner, world.
  • The people of the world need to be fed.

The Royal Society for the Protection of Birds (RSPB) in the UK has a petition running to make clear to the government just how we feel. In the past we have largely thought about how we can exploit the resources of our planet. In the future we will almost certainly be better off if we work with nature and not against it.  Like many, I am not a green activist, but can see the path we are on cannot be sustained.  

Think about signing it.

See also

2 May 2020

Dawn chorus - NOT amateur radio

In the northern hemisphere it is springtime.  Because of the lockdowns in many countries, it is quieter and sounds can be more easily heard.

The RSPB has a good video on the dawn chorus for those of us unable to experience it at the moment.

25 Jan 2020

Big Garden Birdwatch - NOT amateur radio

Every year about now, the RSPB carries out an annual survey to find the health of our bird populations in our gardens. I have done this now for many years. You are asked to record the maximum number of each species seen at one time. I chose to do 1530z -1630z thinking I might catch birds coming in to feed before dark. What a disappointment! In all just 6 species seen , mostly larger birds. The bird table was well stocked. Quite a few common birds were absent.
  • Starling 9
  • Woodpigeon 2
  • Crow 9
  • Robin 1
  • Blackbird 1
  • Collared Dove 1
You do not have to be an RSPB member and the survey runs until Monday.

27 Jan 2019

UK Garden Birdwatch

Every winter for the last 40 years the RSPB (our national bird society) has organised a Garden Birdwatch. You simply sit watching the birds in your garden or park for any one hour and record the maximum number of each species seen in the hour at one time. This year I saw 9 species, but missed some quite common birds usually seen. As in earlier years, larger birds seem to dominate. We have plenty of starlings as these congregate on the nearby windmill. They do not roost there, but seem to use it as a stopping off point.

23 Sept 2018

Jackdaws (birds) - NOT amateur radio

At the moment there are 5 jackdaws on the roof next door. Usually we see one or two together.

See .

11 Sept 2018

Cattle egrets - NOT amateur radio

It looks very likely these will be the next bird to extend range and establish themselves as breeding birds in the UK. Already they seem to be spreading in South Devon with a flock of 51 seen a few weeks ago. It would not surprise me to see these everywhere in a few years.


31 May 2018

Red kite - NOT amateur radio

A sight I thought I would never see - a red kite (bird) flying over our home in East Anglia. At one time this would have been extremely rare, but in the last few months I have seen a little egret and a red kite overhead. 


16 Mar 2018

Red Legged Partridges - NOT amateur radio

For years we have seen these attractive birds around our Close. Then, a couple of months ago, they disappeared.

Today, a couple were outside our home again, probably after food or a nest site. Anyway, it was good to see them around.


1 Feb 2018

Help with nests - NOT amateur radio

One of the joys of an English spring is seeing the world "come alive" again with fresh green leaves, blossom and birds singing. We can help birds by making sure they have a variety of things for nest building in our gardens. OK, it is only February, but the signs are there.


28 Jan 2018

RSPB Birdwatch 2018 - NOT amateur radio

Every January, I take part in the Big Garden Birdwatch organised by the RSPB here in the UK. You watch the birds in your garden for any 1 hour and note the maximum number of each sort seen in the hour.

This year there were no blackbirds, no tits, no collared doves. In fact there was a real shortage of small birds. I may just have been unlucky or maybe it was the fact that we have had more frosts which have killed off smaller birds? Anyway this year I saw 2 robins, 2 starlings, 3 jackdaws and 4 black headed gulls and nothing else.

20 Aug 2017

Stone-curlews - NOT amateur radio

Thanks to a very kind man who pointed them out (otherwise I'd never have seen them!) I saw my first ever stone-curlews at Cavenham Heath on our walk this afternoon. The heather there was just amazing.

See .

17 Aug 2017

Red-Legged Partridge - NOT amateur radio

Today, we had no less than 4 (a record) red-legged partridge in our garden. These are introduced birds from Spain and France, now well established here. We see some most days.


21 Jul 2017

Swifts - NOT amateur radio

This morning I saw no swifts. Usually in August you just realise they are not there any more. Screaming swifts in the skies are part of a UK summer. It saddens me when they go, but they will be back next year.


UPDATE 1530z: Spotted a few swifts lunchtime.

25 Apr 2017

Cattle Egrets - NOT amateur radio

Increasingly I get the feeling that cattle egrets (birds) are gradually becoming more common in the UK. Before 1955 collared doves were rare - now they are common. Before 1989 little egrets were virtually unknown here. Now they are common. Cattle egrets are being spotted regularly in Devon and I see they have been spotted up here in East Anglia.

As climate changes, the species we see will change. Changes have always happened I guess but species that hitherto have been found further south will move north.

It would not totally surprise me if some birds that winter further south decide to stay for our milder winters. When will swallows decide it is warm enough to fully over-winter? I know there are rare records of swallows staying and lasting until January living on insects near seaweed, but I don't think there are any records of swallows lasting the full winter, although I am no expert.

See .