Showing posts with label es. Show all posts
Showing posts with label es. Show all posts

5 May 2024

Es so far and QRPP 8m WSPR

There have been Es openings in Europe on 10m and 6m, but nothing yet to suggest my 10mW ERP 8m WSPR would be copied. This is the power that anyone may use licence free with ISM rules in the UK as long as IR2030 is met.

I still have to replace my 8m dipole. I shall probably do this the week after this. Hopefully someone during this Es season will get my 10mW ERP WSPR on 40.680 MHz USB dial. My reluctance is ladder work as I get giddy up ladders!  

There are two factors working against me - the low power and too few 8m monitors. Results on 10m suggest 10mW should be enough, but 8m suffers from too few monitors. However, I remain hopeful. 

Es is usually good during May, June and July. In my experience the season goes on during July, August and September, but it is on the wane by August.

2 May 2024

Es so far

Although I have seen Es openings on 6m FT8, things are average rather than great. 

When Es is in full swing bands like 10m and 6m are open for QSOs with very low power. 

The fact that I am still struggling on 10m WSPR with 10mW speaks volumes. When Es is really good, I would expect to be spotted across Europe with 500uW 10m WSPR. Probably a few milliwatts of 10m or 6m FT8 would suffice.  I must try this!

When things are this good I confidently expect to span Europe on 8m 40.680MHz (USB dial) with 10mW ERP WSPR as long as there are monitors and not too much QRM from local ISM signals. Under UK ISM rules I am sure 8m WSPR is available to all without a licence as long as IR2030 is complied with. It is best to use a callsign of your choosing that WSPRnet can use so you can see who is receiving you, These are ISM rules and NOT amateur radio.

7 Sept 2023

European Es

As mentioned before, the Es "season" in Europe is now over.  There will be occasional openings, but these will be far less common than some months ago. For example, I have been on all day on 10m WSPR TX with my 500mW TX beacon with just 1 spot that might have been Es. For a 2 minute TX period it is very unlikely to be MS. It could be F2 backscatter I suppose.

See . A glance at this site shows the general absence of big, widespread, Es openings now. I guess FT8 would be better at catching brief openings as the TX period is far shorter.

5 Sept 2023

European Es

At the moment this looks poor. See .

UPDATE 1642z:  Conditions are still dire.

3 Sept 2023

European Es (Sunday)

At  the moment, there is quite good Es in Europe. It is 0823z. I hope it lasts!


27 Aug 2023

European Es

The main Es season is now over, but Es is still with us. I find this site extremely useful to get a snapshot of conditions. It looks like there is a good opening in Eastern Europe this afternoon.

See .

18 Aug 2023

HF, 8m and 6m

 Well, today was pathetic on 8m FT8 and 10m WSPR. 

The main Es season has now ended and the main F2 peak is a few months off. Most of my reports recently on 10m, 8m and 6m with QRP were via Es. 

These openings will occur, but not with the frequency we were used to in May, June and July. Probably 10m FT8 is worth a try as there is far more activity than WSPR. Also, the far shorter TX periods of just 15 seconds means that very short openings may be caught. FT8 is about 8dB worse than WSPR mind you.

17 Aug 2023

European Es season

It looks like the main Es season in the northern hemisphere is just about over but, as I remind people, Es can occur at any time. OK, the days when 10m or 6m may be open for hours may be over for this year, but there will still be times.

This is why FT8 can be so useful, sniffing out very brief openings that in the past would have gone unnoticed. Frequently, the 27 MHz CB band is busy, yet 10m is quiet. This suggests decent propagation, but a lack of activity. These days, there is little excuse. Just 15 seconds of FT8 transmission is all that is needed to prove a path is "open".


7 Aug 2023

Stick with it!

 Today, the Es on 10m and 6m seems very good on FT8.

See .

6 Aug 2023

More European Es

Following on from my post yesterday and Jan's comment, I am finding plenty of 6m Es today.

See .

5 Aug 2023

European Es - is FT8 making the season longer?

Traditionally, the Es season in the northern hemisphere peaks around May, June, July. It is now well into August and I am wondering if more people are "staying around" on 10m and 6m FT8 than before? 

In the past, many people took a look, heard nobody, so QSYed to a lower band. With FT8 a band can be monitored very easily and signals can be fleeting and weak. It is my thought that brief peaks in Es occur far more often than we think. FT8 might just be the key that "unlocks the door".

Today, as an example my 2.5W to a vertical omni has been spotted widely in Europe (96 stations at 1442z) on 6m FT8. Openings may only be fleeting and weak, but that can be enough. With more power and a beam just imagine what could be possible.

10m 500mW WSPR TX (Saturday)

So far (at 0926z) just spots from G4KPX (14km).

UPDATE 1027z: 3 unique stations spotting me. There is some Es.

UPDATE 1307z:
23 stations have spotted me today. Mostly Es in Europe.

28 Jul 2023

European Es - on the way down?

 Although today was quite a good Es day, I sense we are at the start of the decline. As we progress through August, we can expect fewer Es openings. Es will still occur, but we can expect fewer openings and less intense than in recent months.

See .

20 Jul 2023

European Es (Thursday)

As I write, it is 1508z. So far today, European Es has been almost non-existent. I caught a very brief 10m Es opening to the south of France just after lunch, but nothing else. Perhaps things will magically improve?

See .

UPDATE 2120z:  QRT and no more Es.

16 Jul 2023

European Es yesterday

Much of yesterday I was on 6m FT8. There was plenty of Es from all parts of the continent. 

The peak months are May, June and July, although Es can occur at any time of the year. 

With FT8, I suspect we will find out that many more openings occur than we were expecting.  Only a 15 second TX burst is needed for the station to appear on PSKreporter. Also FT8 works with signals weaker  than CW, so much weaker signals can be decoded. This alone is a good reason to stick with 6m outside the Es season.

9 Jul 2023

2m Es (Sunday)

Stations spotted on 2m FT8 RX today 

My 2.5W FT8 to the big-wheel omni antenna was spotted by 2 stations in Italy, although no QSOs were managed. On RX, the furthermost was SV8PEX (2039km) on Corfu. A useful 2m Es opening. The station in Greece was very strong at +11dB S/N. 

Good European Es day?

It would appear that Es has been good in Europe today. Until I mend my 8m antenna and coax and the BNC plug on the coax to my V2000 vertical, I am confined to 10m.

See .

8 Jul 2023

European Es

 As the summer Es season winds down, there can still be good openings, but these become less frequent. Some days can be good, whereas other days can be quiet. This is where FT8 can be useful on bands like 10m and 6m as the FT8 slots are well monitored and very brief openings can be captured.

As my 8m antenna and coax seem to be sick, perhaps now is a good time to get it fixed before the autumn F2 season really kicks in.


28 Jun 2023

Es poor?

Sporadic-E is, well, sporadic! Some days can be very good and others poor. Certainly up to now (1132z) the Es has been poor here. Most Es seems to be in Scandinavia and Eastern Europe. Even that seems poor. In the northern hemisphere, the best months are usually May, June and July, although Es can occur at any time.

So far, this season has been disappointing for me. There have been some good openings, but my overall impression that this is not a great Es season so far. To get a quick"snapshot" of European Es I now take a quick peek at .

27 Jun 2023

Es skip

Usually, Es skip is about 1000km. Recently, there has been some very short skip and some incredible reports. Today, for example, I have had some very strong 10m WSPR spots in the Netherlands and Germany. Yesterday I was spotted in Eire on FT8. I do not think this was aircraft.