Showing posts with label ofcom.cb. Show all posts
Showing posts with label ofcom.cb. Show all posts

26 Jun 2024

Demise of amateur radio?

More than ever, I am convinced that amateur radio will die out.  It can't be long before many PTTs tire of amateur radio as it ties up people and generates no revenue.  

I can see the day coming when CB and amateur radio merge and callsigns are allocated (if at all) by national societies. It would not surprise me if all non-licenced things are merged at the same time e.g. ISM.   The golden rule is no harmful interference must be caused and any interference accepted.

Personally, I am not bothered as long as I can continue experimenting.

Fewer and fewer "amateur" radio operators know how their rigs work and even fewer actually experiment i.e. they are much like CB operators.