Showing posts with label comment. Show all posts
Showing posts with label comment. Show all posts

4 Feb 2022


"Why are you such a winger?

Having seen your comments about amateur TV it seems that you are just a prejudiced old fart that cannot accept that other amateur radio interests gain greater prominence than your stupid ideas on 40MHz propagation.

I hope that you die before you get a reply."

Thank you for your supportive (!!) comments sent anonymously. For the record I have no issue whatsoever with extra spectrum for DATV. The only reason I have not explored this fascinating area of our hobby is that there is only so much one can do.

My issue is with OFCOM who seem to treat customer service with distain.  After approaching 4 months I think I am owed the kindness of an update?

For the record, I hope I do not come across as an "old f**t". Old I can accept!! 

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