12 Mar 2024

Have a laugh - NOT amateur radio

This photo was sent to me by Steve G1KQH last night. It made me chuckle.

The serious point is many very old people are unhappy with smart phones, apps, online banking etc.  They are used to speaking with a human being!

At one time, for example, I could go into my local bank and speak to the manager.  Now you get connected to an overseas call centre and treated as a number. I am sure I am not alone in absolutely hating call centres on the far side of the planet. 

Do you also get thoroughly fed up being told "your call is very important to us" and please press button "x" if you want this service or "y" if you want this?  One of the worst is AI when you have to say something! With my poor voice I often have to repeat.

Every day we get further and further from real contact with human beings!

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