12 Mar 2024

6m QRP FT8 (Tuesday)

My 2.5W to the V2000 vertical omni antenna is on. One English station spotting me at 0742z.

UPDATE 1036z:  I was wondering why I was getting no new spots on 6m FT8.  When I looked, the rig was flashing "hi SWR". The PL259 was not making proper contact. Since connecting it tighter, I am getting spots (see map)!

UPDATE 1402z: 12 stations have spotted my QRP FT8 with the most distant EA7P (1770km).
Stations received
on 6m FT8 today

UPDATE 1525z: 
 On RX, some stations in Europe.

UPDATE 1916z: 15 stations have spotted my QRP FT8 on 6m today.

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