10 Feb 2024

RSGB webinars

 Usually, I miss these, but I was recommended to watch the recording of the one last Monday by Hugh HC02 an SWL in Portugal. It was given by G3ZIL in Southampton and focused on the use of digital modes for propagation research. There are definitely people around who are far cleverer than I am! In it, his research has highlighted a new possible HF propagation mode called side scatter. Judging by this talk, these webinars are worth watching.


1 comment:

  1. I remember the term "side scatter" from the 70s when I first learned about propagation. If I remember correctly, the result is that the "MUF" gets a bit higher when (in the Northern hemisphere) you turn the antenna to a more Southern direction.

    If someone calls this a new mode, maybe the books have not been written properly.

    Yes, side scatter is an interesting mode, especially when we can do weak signal modes.
    Vy 73 de OZ9QV, Jan
