10 Feb 2024

500uW 10m WSPR success again

My intention was to add a 17dB pad so I could run 10mW WSPR on 10m. Instead I cleaned the car and left the beacon with the PA off producing 500uW (0.5mW).  I was not expecting any spots so was very pleased to see a spot from the Canary Is..

UPDATE 1435z:  No further 10m WSPR spots today at 500uW (0.5mW). Sadly my beacon is pre-programmed to report the power as 500mW, when it really is just 500uW. I think my repeat 10mW 10m WSPR test will have to wait until tomorrow.

UPDATE 1846z: EA8BFK (2880km) spotted my 500uW again at tea time!

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