17 Apr 2021

Royal Funeral - NOT amateur radio

Like millions around the world, we watched the funeral of the Duke of Edinburgh from Windsor Castle. 

I am not a great royalist and cannot imagine the royal family surviving another 50 years unless it changes. When the queen dies the English royal family will be in mortal peril. No, I think what was really being mourned was the end (or very near end) of an era.

Privilege, as a result of who you are, will end. Minor royals who live wealthy lives off UK taxpayers will end. I think the royal family has to evolve. I cannot think of a suitable president should we become a republic. No, I think we will still have a royal family, but very different.

I feel very sorry for the queen who has lost a lifelong husband and companion. They we married for 73 years, which is a long time!

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