17 Apr 2021

10m Phaser FT8 kit

Apparently, this 4W SSB kit designed for 10m FT8 is about to ship from the USA. Being designed by Dave Benson, K1SWL, it should be good. All SMA parts are already fitted.

As well as my DSB rig, the 10FT8R, this is a project I must build.

Yet more incentive to get my external 10m antenna up!

See https://midnightdesignsolutions.com/phaser/


  1. Interesting DIY kit Roger. 73 Ron PA2RF

  2. It is a wonderful kit Roger, best one I have ever seen and made. You can see my finished Phaser in the profile photo.

    My Phaser is currently in use on 10m WSPR (not what it was designed for) So a slight mod was needed for WSPR use (A DB6NT heater on the Xtal) to overcome the slight drift during the course of the 2 min period. Now zero drift after a short warm up period.

    Of course no mod is needed for FT8/4

    73 Colin - G6AVK
