10 Jun 2020

Oscar 100 - is there a problem?

Activity at 1100z on Oscar 100
Usually, I check narrowband activity on the geosynchronous satellite by looking at the web SDR at Goonhilly in Cornwall, UK. The last time I checked (0935z) there was no activity at all!! Since then just one station has appeared. At the moment, there are a few more, but not many.

So, activity seems very low. With lockdowns, I was expecting more activity. It looks like the novelty has worn off. Once the gear is in place, many users are saying, "fine, done that" and going QRT.  Like Echolink and repeaters, what is the challenge? After all, it is really just another repeater, if a lot simpler and smaller than a big beam, kWs and a big tower. Once you have worked one station the rest are "same as".

See https://eshail.batc.org.uk/nb/

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