10 Jun 2020

6m FT8

My 6m FT8 gear is on again. 14 stations have spotted my 10W to the V2000 vertical omni, but I have only spotted 2 stations so far. No QSOs yet.

UPDATE 1000z: 17 spots of me so far, but no QSOs. My usual technique is to call CQ and reply to the first station calling me. I rarely call others calling CQ. I know this gives me fewer contacts, but I like to see where I am getting.

UPDATE 1254z:  37 stations, all EU, have spotted me so far on 6m FT8 TX. On RX just 8 stations spotted so far. I am sure that better equipped stations will be able to do much better, but I am happy to see results with my little station (FT991A at 10W, V2000 vertical omni, cheap CB coax).

UPDATE 1520z: 72 stations spotted today here, so far, on 6m FT8 RX. On TX 59 stations have spotted me and I have had 1 QSO with an EA4.

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