6 Oct 2018

Homo Deus - NOT amateur radio

I have just finished reading "Homo Deus" by the author who also wrote "Sapiens". I have to admit that these two non-fiction books are perhaps the most thought provoking books I have ever read. "Sapiens" looks at the history of mankind and "Homo Deus" is a look into the future.

You may not agree, but the latter is certainly thought provoking. What is approaching is undeniable: vast amounts of data are known and now, or very soon, machines will be able to process and analyse these data far better than the human brain. Perhaps Homo Sapiens is not the ultimate being we once thought.

The main problem remains consciousness. What is it? What is its purpose? Can we ever understand why it exists?

All the time I am aware of how limited our world view is. According to these books religions are human inventions.

What is clear is how little we understand.

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