6 Oct 2018

BREXIT deal? - NOT amateur radio

Negotiations on the UK's withdrawal from the EU were always going to be fraught and last minute. Both sides want the best compromise.  It now looks a bit more hopeful with more positive noises from the EU.

I am sure that most people in the UK were less than happy with unrestricted movement within the EU, but were happy with free trade within the EU.

If the EU had been a bit more willing to compromise on this, I suspect the referendum outcome might have been different. For this I blame David Cameron (UK Prime Minister at the time) and the EU officials who could not read the "mood music".  The UK has always been on the edge of the EU experiment.

In many countries the people of that nation want to have the final word over who works and lives in a particular nation.  The UK does not want unrestricted immigration. It wants to have the final decision and, in my view, this is quite reasonable. I say this as someone who voted "remain".

This does not mean stopping low skilled workers coming to work in fruit picking, hospitals and hospitality. It means they do not have an automatic right to stay here for ever just because they are EU citizens.

See https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-45768848

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