3 Mar 2018

Eddystone Receivers

When I first got interested in the hobby in the early 1960s Far Eastern transceivers were unheard of. Many used war surplus receivers like the AR88 or CR100. For years I coveted an Eddystone EC10. One day I got one. The IF was low and the bandspread on 10m was abysmal! As a tuneable IF for VHF and UHF converters it was fine. Overall, it really was not a very good receiver. These days they are hard to find and really not worth the money.

The 840C was a much better radio. At one time they even did an amateur band only receiver called the EA12.

See https://sites.google.com/site/g3xbmqrp3/hf/ec10

1 comment:

  1. I agree with this. I borrowed an EC10 and was not remotely impressed. I had more fun with a simple home made receiver.
