4 Mar 2018

2m FT8 RX (again)

This is getting addictive! Again, I am monitoring 2m FT8. In the last 6 hours 6 unique stations in 3 countries with best DX F6EAS (387km) in Normandy. Again I am using my big-wheel horizontal omni antenna. Gain is about 2dBd.

UPDATE 1030z: Already 14 uniques in 3 countries.

UPDATE 1400z: Now 24 uniques in 5 countries in the last half a day on 2m FT8 RX. I can honestly say that 2m FT8 has been a revelation. Every day seems to result in spots of stations at great distance, even though my antenna is nothing at all special and with hardly any gain over a dipole. Imagine the results with a 9 element beam!

UPDATE 1430z: Now 28 uniques in 7 countries on 2m FT8 RX with best DX DK2DTF (644km).

UPDATE 1622z: Now 30 uniques in 7 countries today on 2m FT8 RX.

UPDATE 1905z: A local friend G3TFX has suggested I try vertical polarisation to see how much difference this makes, especially with DX signals. If tropo, I'd expect about 15-20dB polarisation loss. If aircraft reflection, the difference should be far less. The overall gain of the big-wheel with feeder loss is probably about 0dBd. The feeder loss and gain of my V2000 vertical is probably much the same. So, tomorrow I'll try 2m FT8 RX with vertical polarisation.

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