17 Mar 2015

Israeli Elections - NOT amateur radio

So exit polls suggest no clear winners, so no surprises then. Coalition governments are a way of life in Israel and there will no doubt be some tough bargaining in the coming weeks.

All I hope is that whatever coalition is formed that it takes the peace process very seriously. The Middle East has too many conflicts and a good, solid peace deal with Israel's neighbours is way overdue.

I am always amazed that the Israeli's seem to choose conflict and violence to settle old scores. Let peace blossom.  Israel, you know it makes sense.

Yes, I know it takes at least 2 to forge peace, but frankly Israel has not even been trying for as long as I can remember. I was born in 1948.  Peace, as a result of quiet talks, has worked in Northern Ireland (Ulster) and in South Africa. 30 years ago these would been thought impossible. Peace works.

Israel, sit down with your enemies and really negotiate a peace deal that is fair to you and to your historic enemies. Give peace a real chance, please.
See http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Israel .

Did you realise that about one fifth of the population of Israel is composed of non-Jewish people? Neither did

UPDATE 18 March 2015:  Peace has NO chance as the existing PM is likely to form the next government.


  1. Regardless of who is PM there will still be hundreds of millions of muslims surrounding Israel, the bulk of who wish nothing more than for the Jews to be driven into the sea. It is quite narrow, one sided, and against history to simply state "Israel make peace." Are you aware that Jews are forbidden to travel and live in countries such as Saudi Arabia? That hatred is not paralleled from Israel to muslims anywhere. --KG7FU

  2. James,

    Israel needs to take a lead in peace efforts. Yes, it may be narrow and one sided, but history shows that peace comes to those who WANT it.

    Israel should show the lead! Or is the nation of Israel too feeble?
