17 Mar 2015

10m and 6m - both hopeless this afternoon?

Since getting lots of WSPR spots from around the borders of Europe this morning, I have only been getting spots from  local G4IKZ (18km) all afternoon.  No signs of USA spots on 10m today.

I have been on 6m most of the day but not a single spot given or received - totally hopeless.

I shall stick around on both 10m and 6m for several more hours yet, ever hopeful.

UPDATE 1950z:   I think today is only the second day since last September when I was spotted by not a single USA station on 10m WSPR.  On the vast majority of days someone over there has spotted my 500mW WSPR beacon, but not today.  I know conditions are badly disturbed today (a visual aurora is forecast down here, which is very rare) and conditions are starting to change. Only EA8/LA3JJ (2870km) has spotted me late this afternoon apart from local G4IKZ.   EA8/LA3JJ is probably single hop F2 although the time of day and distance could possibly suggest Es?  On 6m I have had no success at all on TX or RX. I shall now abandon 6m until the Es season starts.

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