3 Jul 2014

6m - WSPR spots from 4X1RF (3519km) yet again

My 6m 1W ERP WSPR signals are yet again being spotted in Israel.

I think this is now 5 days this season he has spotted me at this incredible distance. In all I must have had around 20 spots if not more from him?  The considered wisdom is this is Es, but I do sometimes wonder what the propagation mechanism is. The lack of stations at intermediate distances may be because few are active on WSPR, but it "feels" like a single long hop, not unlike F2. My station and antenna are basic.

People who know better than me tell me it is not F2. Whatever, I am very pleased to have my QRP station being spotted so often in Israel.

 Today, starting at 0704z,  he has spotted me 6 times already by 0846z.
6m spots by 4X1RF (1W ERP here) to 0830z today
Most Es spots seem to be from Scandinavia currently, just 1 from Italy.

UPDATE 0942z:   Just Scandinavian Es for the last hour here.

UPDATE 1530z:  Another spot from Israel of my QRP 6m signal at 1314z. That makes it 7 just today!

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