2 Jul 2014

6m - CN8LI still spotting me on WSPR

CN8LI (2113km) regularly spots my 1W ERP on 6m WSPR and is still copying me at 2028z.  I have the feeling this will not be the last spot today. Yet again my report from him was excellent at -13dB S/N. I continue to be surprised how regular these spots are and how strong. Usual strengths suggest much lower power would still be copyable.

In totally the other direction OH7AI (2000km) is also spotting my 1W ERP signal at a much weaker -23dB S/N.

UPDATE 2055z:   CN8LI is still spotting me at 2052z.  G0OQK (98km) is also spotting me at -24dB S/N at the same time.

1 comment:

  1. 6m was a bonanza today. Lots of GM stations v.strong indeed heard near Paris (my qth) Hugh G6AIG
