13 Nov 2012

Weak signalling comparisons

Over the last few days I've been trying out my Lesser Chirpy 10m 80mW CW rig putting out CQ calls on 28.060 periodically and listening for replies and RBN reports. In three days I've only managed 2 RBN reports at around 3000km with it. So, this morning I fired up the hombrew WISPY WSPR beacon on 10m to see what happened. This runs about 6dB more power at around 200-250mW pep effective on the WSPR band. On the first transmission I got 3 reports immediately at 2200-3500km. With WSPR it is SO much easier.

Conclusions? Well if you just want to know what propagation is like then a small homebrew WSPR beacon is all you need. If you want the fun of the chase and the chance of a few QRP CW contacts with a human then the Lesser Chirpy rig is up for the challenge.

Life is too short to sit there endlessly calling CQ with the key though. So, I think Lesser Chirpy will be brought out when  conditions and activity are good. Otherwise WISPY will whisper away quietly in the shack whilst I get on with designing interesting new little projects, HI.

UPDATE: After a few hours of 10m WSPR at 200mW I had a page of reports out to around 6500km. Back on 10m CW I tried a brief call with the FT817 at 5W and got a couple of USA spots on the RBN. A further 30 minutes of calling CQ with the 80mW transceiver and no reports or QSOs. Think I'll have to come back to 10m QRPp another day!

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