13 Nov 2012

Tenbox progress (10m QRP AM transceiver)

Tenbox breadboard RX -115dBm MDS
Today I breadboarded a simple, but sensitive receiver for 10m AM in the Fredbox tradition. The standard Fredbox and Sixbox circuit was simply scaled down to 29MHz with great results using the breadboard with the Marconi 2022 generator. MDS for a well modulated AM signal is better than -115dBm (around about 0.5uV) which is actually better than I was achieving on 6m and 2m. Not bad for just 2 MPF102 FETs and 1 2N3904. For the tuned circuits (RF amp output and detector) I used a couple of T37-6 (yellow) toroids tuned with 15pF trimmers. There is a 10pF coupling capactor between them.  Of course this is a super-regen with a grounded gate RF amp to isolate the detector from the antenna.

The intended use of the Tenbox is local "across town" nattering when the band is quiet. The selectivity would NOT be suitable for DX use, although I'm sure it would pick up stateside 10m AM stations OK.  I am always amazed by how well a simple super-regen RX works: they just fly for me and are always incredibly sensitive and non-critical. People who have not played with these do not know what they are missing. I highly recommend the RX in the Fredbox

Next stage is to breadboard up a simple AM modulator and TX strip. Again, I shall copy the basic Sixbox design but this time add a linear amp (a few 2N3904s in parallel as in the WISPY beacon) to get the carrier power to a useful level.

In summary, an interesting and productive hour or so after tea.

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