17 Nov 2012

Lesser Chirpy spans the Atlantic (10m QRP)

My 28.060MHz ultra-simple QRP transceiver was copied in the USA this afternoon. K3MM (Maryland) reported me on the Reverse Beacon Network as 7dB S/N at 15wpm on 28.060MHz. K3MM is in FM19JH which is 5886km away.
Initially I was unable to hear any stateside stations to call for a QSO. Still, the rig has now been copied across that big ocean! Power out into the halo is around 70mW.
VE2TH was coming through OK with 5W and might have been workable but the band faded out.


  1. Congrats on your 10M Chirpy successes. True amateur spirit. Very satisfying for you, I'm sure.

  2. Thanks Richard. It is great fun. I'm still looking for a 2-way QSO with this little rig across the Atlantic.
