17 Nov 2012

Autumn projects - an update

Well, I don't seem to be getting on too well with my autumn project list! The 472kHz transverter got finished, as did the WSPR beacon rig for 10m. I also managed some VLF earth-mode work. However, I've still to get back to the 481THz (lightbeam) over-the-horizon tests using the new higher power Phlatlight 5W LEDs. Neither have I rebuilt my 10m halo or erected a proper RX antenna for LF and MF. Mind you, I've added a new project, the Tenbox 10m AM transceiver, which is progressing quite well so far.  In the end it doesn't matter what gets done and when as long as I'm enjoying the hobby and experimenting with simple ideas.
Burwell Steven's Mill © Copyright Rodney Burton and licensed for reuse under this Creative Commons Licence.
Around the middle of 2013, if things go to plan, we are moving home to a bungalow in the same village which is located on the "hill" (this is a relative term in East Anglia!) next to Burwell windmill and museum. The windmill has just received a National Lottery grant and should be fully restored to full working order with 4 sails. This will be about 20m from our front door! I'll expect to be asked to do a "windmills on the air" weekend, HI. Burwell Museum is really something quite special and well worth a visit.

With what will be a much better VHF and UHF take-off I will be tempted to get much more active DXing on 2m, 70cm and 23cm from the new QTH. This is likely to bring a whole new set of challenges.


  1. looks like a great lo cation. a very handy building fpr hanging up a longwire !

  2. Good luck with the move Roger! I am looking forward to some VHF AM QSOs with you!

    73, Tim G4VXE
