15 Jun 2010

SRC X80 multi-band vertical erected

My SRC X80 multi-band vertical was erected without problems this morning. Fed via about 10m of coax through the house and matched to my FT817 via the Elecraft T1 auto-ATU, it managed a decent match on all bands from 80-10m. Within 2 minutes of tuning it up I'd had two QSOs with 5W QRP CW: HA3FTA on 10m (599) and LA5CB (559) on 12m. So, promising results so far. The next test will be to try WSPR beaconing on the various bands as this is a good check of general performance.

UPDATE 1hr later: Tried WSPR at 5W on 28, 14, 10 and 7MHz and have had decent reports from around Europe on all these bands. I've just got a WSPR report from W8LIW on 18MHz at 6105km. So, it's doing a credible job.

See my webpage about the antenna: http://sites.google.com/site/g3xbmqrp/Home/x80ant


  1. I use a similar multi-band antenna, but in the horizontal, that is a 9:1 unun and around 130' of wire, again I've had great results for QRP levels of power.

    The atu only being required for 80/160m.

    I also have a Sirio 827 on the roof, it's an 11m 5/8 vertical, I've often thought about removing the base coil and replacing with a 9:1 unun, but the wire works so well, and the 827 on 10m/12m is many 's' points ahead of the wire, so will leave as-is.

    73 Paul.

  2. Hi Roger, read your blog and small site about the antenna with great interest. I've been using a CB antenna wih 1:9 for a year or so and it did a great job (best DX with ZL on 40m with 100W). I replaced the Alu GP now after it was broken due to a large storm. I'm using a A99 fiberglass antenna which is covered with Alu tape and connected to a CG3000 ATU in place of a 1:9 balun at the bottom. It does an even better job now. Good luck with your new antenna. 73, Bas

  3. After reading the report i decided to make one from a silver rod cb antenna, i did changed the the alloy poles for thicker guage tubing, i was lucky as i had plenty in the workshop. i made the 9:1unun and encased it. i did extend it to 25feet as the original is 21 feet, got to say i was very very impressed and it was only g3xmb's succefull test that prompted me to modify a cb antenna, anyone who wants some good results and is short of space go for it you will not be disapointed.
    steve, g0kxm
