15 Sept 2024

Crystal set DXing


Many years ago I tried making and using a short wave crystal set. It is on my website.  As you can see, it does not cost much to have fun. I had aims of making a crystal set that covered VLF to VHF. Then my stroke scuppered plans!

Short wave radio is changing and there are far fewer English language broadcasters. I was pleasantly surprised by what I could hear back then. It is not just broadcast stations you can hear.

See https://sites.google.com/view/g3xbm4/home/hf-mf-and-lf/crystal-set-dxing .


  1. My Dad, who had practically no electronics knowledge, once built a huge medium wave crystal set using a frame antenna around a 2ft x 2ft wooden loudspeaker cabinet (with speaker), and in the evenings, was quite loud. I don’t know what the schematic was a he was always experimenting but I know he thought he had invented something new when he fitted a full wave bridge rectifier!

  2. With Eastern conflicts high on the current agenda, I think they made one big mistake blowing up the high powered transmitters and towers throughout Europe. Putin is cutting off Western internet feeds, never has there been a case for firing in News from the West via the airwaves.

    73's Steve
