6 Jul 2024

Pathfinders - NOT amateur radio

My dad died in 1987, long after WW2. He lived a quiet life in the years before he died. In his life he rarely talked about his experiences in the war and my biggest regret was not trying to understand just how frightening this must have been.

I am pretty sure he did not like the war. However, he became a pathfinder flying night raids over Germany in Lancasters. In recent years I have found out just how brave these elite airmen were. Night after night they flew not knowing if they would be killed or captured. After the war the knowledge that many innocent men, women and children just like him must have died as a result must have haunted him. No wonder he did not want to talk about those dark days!

Recently I have been introduced to a book called "The Pathfinders" by Will Iredale that shows the story behind the formation of this group.The book is available from Amazon and other booksellers.

Wars achieve very little for most ordinary folk who just want to live in peace. I am pretty sure this was how my dad felt, but he had no choice.

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