5 Jun 2024

UK General Election, July 4th - NOT amateur radio

Last night was the first TV debate between the leaders of the 2 main political parties.   If you can imagine what 2 cats fighting over a dead bird is like, that was it. Sad, pathetic.

All parties make promises in the run-up to a General Election. Come the election all these will be forgotten, or there will not enough money. What is certain is that whichever party governs, tough times are ahead. Either taxes have to rise, or public services will be cut, or both. Saying either of these things is a vote loser.

Come the General Election I shall be tactically voting for the least worst party. My heart says Green,but I know they have no chance in our constituency. 

My prediction?  Labour will be the governing party, but the majority will be smaller than expected. The minor parties may well hold the balance of power. I also expect closer ties with Europe since BREXIT has turned (as some expected) into a dreadful mistake. I am sure some expected a UK like the 1950s forgetting just how inter connected the world now is.

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