24 Jun 2024

Back on 8m QRP FT8, after a fashion

Later this week I am off to see my brother in Devon, but my XYL will still be here. 

I was hoping to erect my 8m dipole so I would have a few days operating before Thursday. I failed, so I am using my Par end fed that has a high SWR on 8m. 

When I get back I hope to be on properly. For now I shall probably be on RX most of the time.

My 8m TX permit  runs to June 2025.

UPDATE 0830z: Already spotted in Spain by EA3ERE (1153km) which is a great start!

UPDATE 0939z:  QSO with EA3ERE. No more QSOs, but I have been spotted in 2 countries and I have spotted 3 countries here on 8m FT8 RX.

UPDATE 1200z:  Now that Spain is on 8m, I am surprised how many stations have been spotted. 13 at last count.

46 stations spotted
on 8m FT8 today
UPDATE 1347z:  18 stations spotted on 8m FT8 RX. I have been spotted by 3 stations in 3 countries, one QSO. My conclusion so far is that with Spain now on 8m TX it has made a lot of difference for the better.

UPDATE 1455z: 23 stations spotted today on 8m FT8.

UPDATE 2040z:  46 stations have been spotted on 8m FT8.  Mostly Spanish.

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