6 Jun 2024

Amazon - NOT amateur radio

Amazon, the online delivery service, is like a UK wheat spread in that some hate it and some love it. Over the years we must have ordered hundreds of items. Only once has a delivery ever gone wrong, and that was just to an address a few doors away.

I recall my wife trying to buy some very ordinary nail scissors from our local chemist. She was told they had none and would be getting none in. She went on Amazon and got them delivered next day to the door at a lower price.

Yes, shopping patterns are changing, with many people preferring the convenience of home delivery.  Many retailers will close or adapt.

Today I wanted some wood filler, forgetting I had given my last to our son. I went on Amazon and two tubes will be delivered to my door tomorrow for less cost than 1 tube at our local DIY store. Delivery is free.

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