8 Jun 2024

6m success

I decided to stay on 6m QRP FT8 overnight. In all, 386 people spotted my 2.5W 6m FT8 to the V2000 vertical omni antenna. The band did not open (for me) to the USA, which I was hoping for. Almost all of these spots were Es.

UPDATE 1021z:  121 stations have already spotted my QRP 6m FT8 signal this morning. There seems to be plenty of Es about.  

UPDATE 1356z: 201 spots of me today.

UPDATE  1626z:
In the last day, 398 stations have spotted my 6m QRP FT8.  Most seem to be via Es. See map.

UPDATE 1800z: 440 stations have spotted my 6m QRP FT8 in the last day.

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