27 Apr 2024

8m antenna replacement

All being well, I hope to replace my 8m dipole in the coming days. 

This Es season, as an experiment, I am trying 10mW ERP WSPR under ISM rules. This power should certainly get me into Europe on better days, but will there be people monitoring 40.680 USB dial WSPR? 

When the band is really "open" I shall be competing with other ISM sources! At the other end, there is no knowing what interference levels I shall be competing against.

1 comment:

  1. Roger, I have a receiver running on 40.680 (FT8) most of the day.
    At some stage I will have it running 24/7, at least for the summer half of the year.
    EA2 was through the other day and EI today. The beginning of the Es season, I think.

    V7 73 de Jan, OZ9QV
