7 Feb 2024

Wrong side of history? - NOT amateur radio

This evening, I heard that Mr Netanyahu had rejected the truce proposals in Gaza. I am no expert on the history of the Middle East, but I am sure his response to the appalling events on October 7th will win him and Israel no friends. Until there is a fair and lasting settlement there can be no peace.

In the meantime innocents are killed or maimed. Sadness goes on. Surely the only fair outcome cannot be won by bullets and weapons. 

What I find puzzling is why the USA and UK seem so pro Israel and passive about the people of Gaza. Surely the USA and UK should be working overtime to seek a just peace, or Israel never ever gets support in the future.  Recognising Palestine would be a start.


  1. What would you propose as the boarders of Palestine? The Palestine leaders (admittedly none elected by democratic means) have rejected all proposed boarders since 1948. They want everything from the Med. sea to and including Jordan. How can you expect Israel to accept this.

  2. Agreed this is not easy in the least but a fair and just peace for all must be found and that means Israel and Palestine reaching compromises. I am not taking sides
