5 Feb 2024

New experiments to try?

As many know, I enjoy experimenting. In recent years, my health has not been too great, so I have been looking at things I can do from home rather than going out and about. In the past I have tried VLF and over the horizon ((NLOS) optical tests, both with great success.

My problem is I am running out of new things to try!  

I have tried 500uW WSPR on 10m (best DX USA) , got to the Caribbean, USA, Canada and South Africa with 2.5W and a dipole on 8m FT8, 630m QRP WSPR (got to Finland) and have tried the 22m and 8m ISM bands with QRPP WSPR.

If you have any ideas, I'd like to hear from you. These are the criteria:

  • Must be able to do it from home.
  • No complicated antenna erections.
  • Not expensive.
  • Does not involve fine motor skills as I am no longer good at these sadly.
  • Interesting and fun.
  • Contributes to knowledge.

I am sure there must be things to have a go with.  What I would really like is something "meaty" that needs doing. With plenty of time on my hands, things can spread over many months.

Some of the things I might try:

  • More 137kHz CW and QRSS3 tests.
  • 1296MHz  QRP
  • FT8 with real QRPP on 10, 12, 15, 17 and 20m.
  • 8m this Es season with ISM power and WSPR.


  1. You might like to try more digimodes. It is not limited to FT8/FT4, WSPR, QRRS etc. There is so much more. Have you ever tried JS8Call or VarAC? Or have you ever tried every digimode (almost endless, how many are there?). You got a lot of readers on this blog. I'm shure if you post that you will be QRV on a certain digimode there will be people trying to contact you. 73, Bas

  2. Another idea is SSTV. I must try to find some suitable software.

  3. Hello Roger. MMSSTV, Ham radio de lux has a package. There is also a kind of digital SSTV which delivers far better pictures. Have experimented with it in the past.
    https://pe4bas.blogspot.com/2012/02/viewing-digital-photos-on-air.html 73, Bas
