15 Jan 2024

8m QRP FT8 (Monday)

HF F2 propagation is looking good, so I am hopeful that I shall get some transatlantic spots again soon on 8m FT8 with my 2.5W and low dipole. Better equipped stations seem to be getting across the Atlantic regularly. I guess their ERPs are 10dB up on me, which could make quite a difference. I intentionally want to see how QRP performs. It would appear it is much like 10m if the MUF is high enough. 

At the moment, my inclination is to apply for a new UK 8m TX permit when my current one runs out in April. I object to having to pay, but I think the experiment is worthwhile. 

In the 2025 Es season I may concentrate on unlicenced WSPR activity with 10mW ERP, but that is some way off still. Who knows, we might have a tiny 8m amateur band in the UK by then!!

UPDATE 1156z:  At some point, I might try a modified CB vertical on 8m. I hope to get this up before the 2024 Es season.

UPDATE 1423z:  No spots all day.

UPDATE 1536z:  ZF1EJ (7761km) has spotted me. This is my first transatlantic 8m FT8 spot this year.

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