3 Nov 2023

The downward slope?

In my view, HF conditions will remain good for several years yet. In the end, we will inevitably be on the downward slope to the next solar minimum. Although some way off still, this could be an interesting time. 

FT8 will prove really interesting on bands like 10m. It will be the first real test of FT8 on the declining slope of a sunspot cycle. On the last downward slope, FT8 was still new, whereas now it is commonplace. I hope more people will stick with 10m FT8 in the quieter years.

FT8 works with very weak signals and these do not have to be there very long. I suspect (especially on N-S paths) that the band will be "open" far more often than people thought.

An advantage of FT8 is that only a small chunk of band is needed and it is well monitored. FT8 rigs can be very low cost and not tie up the "big rig". It can remain on in the shack at all times. Even just QRP is needed. Remember also that Es can be good at any part of the solar cycle, usually best in the spring and summer.

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