17 Nov 2023

Rural England - NOT amateur radio

Many think of England as a crowded country, but there are plenty of very nice places. As an example, this is the village of Lode near Cambridge. This is the village cricket green.

1 comment:

  1. Yes and many people want to build on these "green" areas.

    We have a local farmers field that has been used by generations of farmers and now a local property developer has bought the land from Duke as he seems hard up for some cash and now we are getting 3000 new homes to be built on the land. No infrusture for doctors, school etc.

    It was our last open green space to residents and the field is heavily used dog walkers, schools for nature trips, bird/bat spotting and growing local crops all gone to this need to turn England into a concrete jungle. Where none of it is cheap affortable houses.

    Enjoy your green area while it last....
