18 Nov 2023

2m 2.5W FT8

My 2.5W FT8 (using the big-wheel omni antenna) is now on 2m 144.174 MHz. So far 11 stations have spotted me. 
Stations spotting me at 1455z

has a monitor (see attached). This is about 25km away and is a good check that things are working and the signal is clean.
G0LRD's monitor

UPDATE 1422z: 19 stations in 5 countries have spotted my QRP signal on 2m FT8 today with the furthermost GI6ATZ (479km). See map. This is too easy too!

UPDATE 1528z: Interesting that I am only spotting 5 UK stations. My RX is working properly, so this suggests low activity.

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