5 Nov 2023

2200m RX?

 It occurs to me that my earth-electrode "antenna" in the ground should work well on 2200m RX. Apart from my CW/QRSS beacon, I have no means of TXing. Looking at the WSPRnet, it would appear there is very low WSPR activity on the band in Europe. 

This begs several questions. 

*  Should I try monitoring the band?
*  What time in the UK is best?
*  What mode?

1 comment:

  1. Hello Roger,

    Yes activity on LF is very very low at the moment, as with MF there are far more on RX than TX. I did run a test the other week, I was heard by quiet a few stations but did not hear anyone at all!

    Many run muliple instances of WSJTx and monitor WSPR, and the FST4W modes, 120, 300, 900 etc.
    I have been testing these FST4W modes on MF for the past few seasons and they do work well. Sadly, like WSPR, hardly anyone TX's running FST4W.xxx
    Sometimes G8HUH runs it and there is a DL on sometimes using FST4W-300

    People do not like to change Hi! I guess maybe some cannot change due to using dedicated TX WSPR only rigs like your 10m box.

    73 Colin.

    PS Argo is a nice programme for QRSS, I use and favour SpectrumLab (Used for 20 years +) but it has a steep learning curve (for me anyway) Again not much QRSS activity on LF/MF
