13 Oct 2023

War crimes - NOT amateur radio

The recent barbaric attacks by Hamas in southern Israel were terrible and I can understand the anger. 

However, taking revenge on the (largely) totally innocent men, women and children of Gaza is surely not the right course of action. 

By attacking Gaza they may weaken Hamas, but innocent people will be harmed. Israel will be guilty of war crimes itself! 

The only solution, in the end, is peaceful co-existence and mutual respect of differences. People the world over are different, and rarely, if ever, do wars really solve issues. All they do is create yet more hatred and bitterness, as well as many innocents killed or maimed. All it does is increase the coffers of arms manufacturers the world over, when this wasted money could be far better spent solving the existential threats that call into question of the very survival of the whole human race.

In my view the UK should keep out and the USA should put pressure on all sides to negotiate a fair and just peace that respects everyone.

We live in dangerous times.

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