10 Sept 2023

Oscar 100 disappointment

In my view Oscar 100 has been a failure with usage far below expectations. 

My theory is that many have become zombie "black box" appliance operators who struggle to tell the difference between a resistor and transistor. Getting active on Oscar 100 is just too hard for most.

Amateur radio is meant to be about self training and research.  Does the growing cycle of carrots count? 😁

It is not helped by the big markets of Japan and the USA being outside its coverage.

It is my view, stated many many times before (sorry for the broken record) that amateur radio as we know it will be gone in 20 years as most people grow very old and no longer buy gear. I know of one local who bought a new rig and cannot operate it as there are too many adjustments!

See https://eshail.batc.org.uk/nb/ .

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