21 Sept 2023

472 kHz WSPR

This autumn, I intend to try 472 kHz WSPR again. I had a problem last season which prevented me TXing. Once again I shall be using my earth-electrode "antenna" in the ground. Probably RX only at first to check activity. I might try RX only tonight.

UPDATE 1925z:  When using the shack PC WSPRnet asked me to log in again and enter my password, which I cannot recall, so I am getting a new one.  I may try 472 kHz WSPR RX tomorrow night instead.

UPDATE 1956z:  It works! I had the wrong username (now corrected), so I am monitoring 472 kHz WSPR.  So far, G1GKN (54km) spotted using the earth-electrode "antenna" in the ground.

UPDATE 2013z: Furthermost on 472 kHz WSPR RX is DC0DX (467km).

UPDATE 2037z:  3 unique stations spotted so far this evening. 

UPDATE 2130z: After late evening in previous years 472kHz WSPR has not been productive. As this is my first time on the band for some time, I may let the RX stay on overnight to see what is spotted. 

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