3 Sept 2023

10m QRP FT8 (Sunday)

At about 1555z, I went on 10m FT8 instead of WSPR. One of the issues with QRP FT8 is you do not know if you are being swamped out by a much stronger signal you cannot see. You can choose a clear frequency here, but you have no idea what it is like 1000s of kilometers away. My technique is to choose a clear frequency (I hope!) but move if I get no spots. This is a real problem on the busy HF bands.

UPDATE 1618z:  40 stations spotted, but just 1 spot of me. I  am being swamped! QSY called for!

UPDATE  1653z:  Now QSYed and more stations spotting me (see map).

UPDATE 1855z:  24 stations have now spotted my QRP.

UPDATE 2046z:  83 stations have spotted me. Now QRT. Furthermost was PY2BL (9531km).

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