3 Jun 2023

The dangers of AI

There is little doubt that the power of artificial Intelligence (AI) can be a powerful force for good allowing huge quantities of data to be analyzed quickly and accurately. An example is analyzing x-rays for tumours.

At the same time AI could also be our downfall. As the knowledge warned today it could also be our downfall.

"The truth is that it’s “already too late” for any meaningful pause in AI development, says Iain Martin  The Times.  As with the creation of the nuclear bomb in the 1940s, the pressing question is whether democracies or dictatorships get there first. If the West and its allies fail, we will be at the mercy of autocrats who can swarm us with thousands of lethal drones, or deploy sophisticated programmes which “relentlessly search for weaknesses through which to launch cyber attacks and shut down our financial systems”. This is a race “we have to win”. " 

This is quote from The Knowledge today.

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